
Under the regulatory purview of the Ministry of Utility and Telecommunication (MUT) Sarawak, and the Ministry of Energy and Environmental Sustainability (MEESty) Sarawak, Sarawak Energy is a wholly State-government owned Group and fully integrated power utility that provides customers with predominantly renewable energy at the lowest tariffs in Malaysia and among the most competitive and lowest in Southeast Asia in alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal No. 7 ‘Affordable and Clean Energy for All’ ahead of its target of 2030.

Working under the guidance of the MUT, we are accelerating our rural electrification programmes to support Sarawak’s ambition to achieve full electrification by 2025 to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.

Through the Sarawak Accelerated Rural Electrification Masterplan, spearheaded by MUT and implemented by Sarawak Energy, initiatives such as the Rural Electrification Scheme (RES), Rural Power Supply Scheme (RPSS) and Sarawak Alternative Rural Electrification Scheme (SARES) are connecting more and more rural households with 24-hour electricity supply. Click here for more information.

For more information on the Ministry of Utility and Telecommunication Sarawak, click here.


Dibawah bidang kuasa kawal selia Kementerian Utiliti dan Telekomunikasi (MUT) Sarawak, dan Kementerian Tenaga dan Kelestarian Alam Sekitar (MEESty) Sarawak, Sarawak Energy merupakan syarikat milik penuh Kerajaan Sarawak dan merupakan utiliti tenaga yang berintegrasi sepenuhnya bagi menyediakan sebahagian besar tenaga boleh diperbaharui kepada pelanggan pada kadar tarif yang terendah di Malaysia dan antara yang paling kompetitif dan terendah di Asia Tenggara sejajar dengan Matlamat Pembangunan Mampan PBB No. 7 'Tenaga Mampu Milik dan Bersih' di hadapan sasaran tahun 2030.

Di bawah panduan MUT, kami giat mempercepatkan program elektrifikasi luar bandar untuk menyokong hasrat Sarawak untuk mencapai elektrifikasi penuh menjelang tahun 2025 untuk memastikan akses kepada tenaga mampu milik, boleh dipercayai, mampan, dan moden untuk semua.

Melalui Pelan Induk Elektrifikasi Luar Bandar Sarawak , yang diterajui oleh MUT dan dilaksanakan oleh Sarawak Energy, inisiatif seperti Skim Elektrifikasi Luar Bandar (RES), Skim Bekalan Tenaga Luar Bandar (RPSS), dan Skim Elektrifikasi Luar Bandar Alternatif Sarawak (SARES) menghubungkan rumah-rumah di kawasan luar bandar dengan bekalan elektrik 24 jam. Klik sini untuk maklumat lanjut.

Untuk maklumat lanjut mengenai Kementerian Utiliti dan Telekomunikasi Sarawak, klik sini.


The notices page is designed to display notices from the State Government through the Ministry, providing access to essential information and updates related to the industry.

Media Releases/Siaran Media

The media releases page compiles the most recent updates from the Ministry, keeping the viewers informed with the latest relevant industry news.

Events & Promotions/Program & Promosi

The events & promotions page shares updates on Ministry-led events and promotions, including any collaboration with Sarawak Energy.

State Initiatives/Inisiatif Sarawak

The state initiatives page features programmes in the industry aimed at promoting public well-being and interests, including RES, SARES, ALAF, state-funded projects, and more.