Be part of one of the Best Companies to Work for in Asia.
Join us for your Internship and unlock your potential with us!
If you require more information, please submit your enquiry to se.internshipunit@sarawakenergy.com.
Field of study and available locations
- Electrical Engineering
- Electronic Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Mechatronics & Robotics Engineering
- Environmental Engineering
- Chemical Engineering
- Telecommunication Engineering
Health, Safety and Environment
- Environmental Engineering
- Occupational Safety and Health Management
- Environment and Sustainability
- Risks, Hazards and Accidents Management
- Accountancy
- Banking
- Finance
- Actuarial Science
- Civil Law
- Administrative Law
- Constitutional Law
- Human Resource Development
- Human Resource Management
- Office Systems Management
- Business Administration
- Corporate Communication
- Media
- Multimedia
- Entrepreneurship
- Business and Commerce
- Economics
- Marketing
- International Business
- Social Science
Our available locations:

Acceptance is subject to the availability of placement opportunities and suitability
within Sarawak Energy