Sustainability is about meeting the needs of the present and future generations as well as balancing the need for development with environmental protection. It has a unique role in Sarawak Energy’s business operations, encompassing environmental, economic, and social dimensions under the overall framework of sustainable development

Sarawak Energy’s vision is to sustain and grow its business while reducing its environmental footprint and increasing its positive social impact via innovation. The company strives to integrate a robust sustainability agenda into the heart of its corporate strategy, in line with the belief that appropriate management of sustainability issues is critical in realising its vision.
Sarawak Energy is the primary producer of electricity in Sarawak to meet the needs of more than 2.6 million people in the state. While ensuring safe, secure, and sustainable energy supply to the state, the company also exports to Kalimantan. Sarawak Energy has the distinction of being the only energy producer in ASEAN with more than 75% of its energy mix from a renewable source—hydro—and hence, is in a position to lead in the development of renewable and sustainable energy to realise its vision of becoming an ASEAN powerhouse.
Our approach to sustainability is founded on a firm conviction that we should preserve and enhance the environment in which we operate, as well as the lifestyle and living standard of the communities we serve. In June 2016, we became a member of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Gold Community, a group of leading international organisations that help shape the future of sustainability. Our inclusion will help us benchmark our sustainability practices and benefit from knowledge sharing and collaboration.

The Hydropower Sustainability Assessment Protocol (HSAP) is a globally recognised framework for assessing hydropower projects against a comprehensive range of social, environmental, technical and economic considerations. The protocol was developed by representatives from governments, commercial and development banks, social and environmental NGOs, and the hydropower sector.
We have adopted the HSAP, and in 2014 established an internal HSAP governing structure to intensify our efforts to incorporate sustainability into our hydropower development and operation processes. This is essential to ensuring our hydropower development and operations support our sustainability agenda.

As a socially-responsible corporate citizen, Sarawak Energy is committed to advancing our corporate social responsibility (CSR) programmes in line with our aims to further strengthen relationships with the community, manage stakeholder expectations and maintain our social license to operate.
By developing Sarawak’s abundant energy resources, Sarawak Energy is supporting the state in creating new and better economic opportunities for the current, as well as future generations. Sarawak Energy offers permanent employment for nearly 5,000 Sarawakians. We also partner with local firms and vendors for goods and services.

As a socially responsible corporate citizen, Sarawak Energy is dedicated to promote and uphold:
- Education and young people
- Environmental management and conservation
- Culture and heritage
- Community development and entrepreneurship

Sarawak Energy accepts that we have an obligation to make sure that people understand what we do.
When we develop new projects, we go through a disciplined process to make sure that affected communities are involved with us, every step of the way.
Sustainability plays a unique role in Sarawak Energy's business operations and covers many different aspects. Environmental, economic and social dimensions are all part of its overall framework of sustainable development and Sarawak Energy's priority is to fully understand these elements and implement them in its operations and projects.
Sarawak Energy therefore makes sure that decision-makers and affected communities have access to full information about the impact of its project on people and the environment.