Notice Of Revision of The General Terms And Conditions For Electricity Supply Under Regulated Tariff And Main And Sub-Metering Scheme
New, Updated and Comprehensive Terms and Conditions for Customers
23 OCTOBER 2022
Sarawak Energy’s customers will now have better clarity and understanding of their rights as an electricity account holder with Sarawak Energy when registering for electricity supply with the revision to the general terms and conditions.
The revision provides new, updated and comprehensive terms and conditions for customers, covering the supply of electricity, landlords and tenants, access to meters, billing and payment.
The terms and conditions fall under the (1) General Terms and Conditions for Electricity Supply under Regulated Tariff and (2) General Terms and Conditions for Electricity Supply under Main Metering and Sub-Metering Scheme (“Existing GTC”). The revised GTC (“GTC (Revised Edition 2021) and GTC (Main Metering and Sub-Metering Scheme – Revised Edition))”) supersede the Existing GTC and take effect immediately.
As the primary electricity provider in Sarawak, Sarawak Energy is committed to lighting up communities, homes and businesses through predominantly renewable, affordable and reliable electricity supply and also to deliver excellent customer services. Sarawak’s customers enjoy the lowest average tariffs in Malaysia and most competitive unsubsidised tariffs in the region.
For more details on the GTC (Revised Edition 2021), customers may refer to Sarawak Energy’s website via the following link:
Sarawak Energy:
General Terms and Conditions (GTC):
For more information, customers may contact Sarawak Energy's 24/7 Customer Care Centre at 1300-88-3111 or email to customercare@sarawakenergy.com. Alternatively, customers can get in touch through Sarawak Energy’s mobile app SEB cares, which can be downloaded via Google Play Store and Apple App Store.