Faulty Underground Cable Joints Cause of Power Interruption Affecting BDC Areas in Kuching
Mobile generator sets immediately deployed while technical team commenced repair works
24 FEBRUARY 2022
Faulty high voltage underground cable joints were identified to be the cause of a supply interruption affecting parts of BDC and its surrounding areas in Kuching on Sunday night (20 February).
Following reports of outages in the area, Syarikat SESCO Berhad (SESCO), Sarawak Energy’s operations and retail arm, immediately deployed its technical team to investigate and discovered a faulty underground cable joint. The team quickly isolated the fault and were able to restore supply within 90 minutes via an alternative supply source.
At around 9.00pm the following night (21 February), another faulty cable joint caused a supply interruption affecting residents in the same area. SESCO immediately deployed its operations team to assess the damage. Supply was progressively restored with all areas reconnected by 1.15am on Tuesday via alternative sources of supply with the support of several mobile generators deployed from nearby stations such as Serian and Sri Aman. Extensive repair works were completed by 2.00am the next day (23 February).
“We apologise to our customers for the inconvenience caused by these outages and thank them for their patience. We were able to minimise the duration of outages as the team is on 24/7 standby,” said Sarawak Energy’s Regional Manager for Western Region, Choo Min Chong.
Sarawak Energy is investing significantly in technology, back-up supply and infrastructure for a more modern, efficient and reliable power system. In addition, its technical teams are on high alert and on 24-hour standby for immediate restoration during both localised and major outages. The focus is to restore supply to customers in the fastest possible time, using alternative feeder or supply sources if applicable, before concentrating on repair works.
Members of the public can contact Sarawak Energy 24/7 Customer Care Centre at 1300-88-3111, email customercare@sarawakenergy.com or utilise Sarawak Energy mobile app SEBcares to report outages to assist in speedy restoration of electricity supply.
Faulty underground cable joints were identified as the cause of the outages in BDC

Extensive repair works were carried out to fix the faulty underground cable joints.