Call Sarawak Energy Before Land Clearing and Excavation Near Transmission Towers
Electrical Tower Collapse May Lead to a Major Outage in Sarawak
8 JULY 2022
Improper and unplanned earthworks or clearing works near Sarawak Energy’s transmission towers may affect the stability of slopes surrounding the foundation of these towers. When unchecked and in the worst-case scenario, the entire electrical tower may collapse, leading to a major electricity supply interruption in Sarawak.
Sarawak Energy strongly urges individuals and entities, especially plantation owners and contractors, to notify the company before proceeding with any works near its electrical transmission towers to ensure the safety of their on-site workers and the operational security of Sarawak’s Transmission Grid.
Chief Executive Officer for Sarawak Energy’s utility arm, Syarikat SESCO Berhad Lau Kim Swee, expressed his strong opinion over soil disturbance incidents near transmission tower bases.
“We have seen an increased number of such incidents in recent years and have spent millions to repair, rectify and protect the affected slopes. While we cannot stop anyone from clearing land legally, we would like to ask those planning to do so near our towers to approach us before starting the works. This will allow us to prepare contingency measures and carry out the necessary works to protect our towers and nearby slopes,” said Lau.
“We are grateful to those who have approached and worked with us before they start clearing their land, helping us to avoid unwanted incidents. We encourage everyone to do the same as our team is ready to assist. At the end of the day, we want to provide a safe, affordable and reliable electricity supply for all Sarawakians,” Lau added.
Under Section 33(9) of the Electricity Ordinance, those guilty of wilfully or negligently cause the fall or damage to any electricity supply line will be penalised with a fine of RM50,000, or five-year imprisonment, or both.
Business or land owners and contractors are welcome to contact Sarawak Energy’s 24-hour Customer Care Centre at 1300-88-3111 or email customercare@sarawakenergy.com before commencing land clearing works.
Individuals reporting suspicious activities near Sarawak Energy’s electrical facilities may also do so through these channels. Rest assured all information received will be kept confidential.

Excavation or land clearing near electrical towers may cause the tower to collapse due to instability as shown above