Encouraging Response for Third Contractor Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Compliance Award (CECA) 2019
26 AUGUST 2020
Held annually since 2017, Sarawak Energy’s Contractor Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Compliance Award (CECA) aims to promote a culture of environmental compliance amongst its contractors. The contractors are assessed for and receive awards for different levels of compliance to Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) approval conditions and statutory environmental requirements in carrying out Sarawak Energy’s projects.
In addition to Sarawak Energy assessors, Natural Resources and Environmental Board (NREB) and Department of Environment (DOE) were also engaged in the assessment process this year.
The 2019 awards saw Sarawak Energy present one gold award, three silver awards and seven bronze awards as well as two merit ratings to contractors for successfully fulfilling CECA criteria. In line with ‘the new normal’ and in lieu of an awards dinner, the Sarawak Energy team handed over the awards certificates to the CECA 2019 awardees individually at their respective offices.
Fifteen contractors undertaking 11 thermal, hydro, transmission lines and substations projects were assessed, with 13 making the cut.
The previous year award saw three gold awards, six silver awards, one bronze award and five merit ratings awarded to fifteen out of the total of sixteen contractors. Overall for 2019, more contractors managed to elevate their performance from merit awards to bronze award for this year.
Sarawak Energy’s Group Chief Executive Officer Datu Haji Sharbini Suhaili applauded the contractors’ commitment to meeting government-mandated environmental requirements.
“We aim to achieve a balance in meeting development needs with environmental protection, by minimising the negative impact and maximising the positive outcomes in our operations and projects. As part of this, we have a hard target of full environmental compliance and we want to ensure that through the culture of compliance and self-regulation, our contractors are on board with us in our joint commitment towards environmental excellence,” Sharbini said.
“Since its introduction in 2017, the awards have received encouraging response amongst the company’s contractors who have shown a greater commitment towards environmental excellence,” said Sarawak Energy’s Vice President for Health, Safety, Security and Environment Marconi Madai.
“These awards are objectively assessed and subject to third party verification. Our assessment criteria have been further strengthened in the past three years and external assessors from Natural Resources and Environmental Board (NREB) and Department of Environment (DOE) were engaged in the assessment process this year,” Marconi explained.
He also thanked all the partner organisations who have contributed to Sarawak Energy’s environmental initiatives.
The sole gold award recipient for CECA 2019 was GE Power Solutions (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. and Sinohydro Corporation (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. Consortium for the Tanjung Kidurong Combined Cycle Power Plant Project.
The silver award recipients this year were Shanghai Electric Power T&D (M) Sdn. Bhd. JV Pembinaan Kuantiti Sdn. Bhd. (Bunut Substation Project); Sinohydro Corporation (M) Sdn. Bhd. & AF Construction Sdn. Bhd. JV (Baleh HEP Project - BLP4 Diversion Tunnel); Consortium of Larsen & Toubro (East Asia) Sdn. Bhd. and Pekerjaan Piasau Konkerit Sdn. Bhd. (Lawas Town Substation Project).
The bronze award recipients were Hock Peng Furniture & General Contractor Sdn. Bhd. (Balingian Operator Village Project - C5); Hock Seng Lee Berhad (Balingian Operator Village Project - C5); Perbena Emas Sdn. Bhd. (Baleh HEP Project - BLP 1 Road & Bridge); KEC International Limited (275kV Murum - Samalaju B Transmission Line Project); Larico Sdn. Bhd. (Similajau - Bunut 500kV Transmission Line Project); Consortium of GE Power Services (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. and Fook Lai Construction & Development Sdn. Bhd. (Tatau Substation Project); and EPC Synergy Sdn. Bhd. (Sungai Merah Substation Project).
Sarawak Energy also awarded merit ratings to Consortium of Larsen & Toubro Limited, Hock Seng Lee Berhad and Larsen & Toubro (East Asia) Sdn. Bhd. (Matang Substation Project); and Shanghai Electric Power T&D (M) Sdn. Bhd. (Marudi Junction – Bunut 275kV Transmission Line Project).

Mr Chan Buan Chong, SEB Construction Manager (left) presenting the certificate, plague award and cheque to Mr. Zhang Fei, Deputy Project Manager from GE Power Solutions (M) Sdn Bhd and Sinohydro Corporation (M) Sdn Bhd Consortium.

Mr Bhavin Rajnikant Doshi (left), Project Director from GE-Sinohydro Consortium receiving certificate, plague award and cheque from Mr. Lee Tiong Ho (center)

Group photo with the award recipients