Two Arrested for Stealing Cables at Assar Senari 11kV Substation
KUCHING, 2 AUGUST 2019, FRIDAY – Sarawak Energy Auxiliary Police (AP) recently arrested two men for stealing cables at the Assar Senari 11kV Substation during a routine patrol at Jalan Bako.
The two men, aged 33 and 37, were spotted at the substation at around 3.30am last Sunday, which prompted the AP patrol team to immediately call for reinforcement to apprehend the suspects with assistance from the police.
Upon the arrest, the team found tools used to cut the cables and a motorcycle belonging to the suspects. Based on the assessment at site, the suspects gained access to the substation by forcing open the shutter door. A sack with 30 meters of cut cables were found, believed to be cut from the circuit breaker, control panel and internal wirings. The damage is estimated to cost around RM50,000.
Sarawak Energy has lodged a police report on the incident and handed over the suspects and the seized items to the police for further action.
Statistics show that since last year, 178 cases of vandalism and cable thefts were recorded affecting electrical facilities, with damages amounting to RM2.2 million. Sarawak Energy has taken various mitigation measures to harden the targets by reinforcing additional security measures at the substations and electrical facilities. This includes security patrols, installations of closed-circuit television and alarm system.
Sarawak Energy will continue to work closely with the police and increase public awareness on vandalism and cable theft.
Stealing cables at electrical facilities endangers lives and can result in flashovers or electrocution, burns and even fatalities.
It can also cause unnecessary supply interruption to the surrounding areas. There are also incidences where damaged cables caused voltage instability, damaging customer’s electrical appliances.
Members of the public with information on suspicious activities near power facilities are advised to contact Sarawak Energy’s 24-hour Customer Care Centre at 1300-88-3111, or immediately call the nearest police station.

The two suspects apprehended at the scene.

Vandalised cables at the substation