Sarawak Energy Continues With The Skill Training Programmes For Baleh Youth
KAPIT, 13 APRIL 2018, FRIDAY: Sarawak Energy continues to expand the skill training programmes for youth in Baleh and Kapit to enhance their ability to tap into potential business and employment opportunities with the development of Baleh Hydroeletric project, thus ensuring local communities benefit and elevate their socio-economic standards.
The programme, implemented in 2016, was officially launched today by the Deputy Chief Minister Tan Sri Datuk Amar Dr James Jemut Masing. Also present at the event was Sarawak Energy’s Assistant General Manager of Corporate Social Responsibility Jiwari Abdullah and Baleh Hydroelectric Project Director Tan Chuan Ngan.
The initiative aims to equip 500 youths in Baleh and Kapit areas with the necessary skills to enable them to benefit from Baleh HEP through a structured competency development programme.
Areas under the training programmes include Occupational Safety and Health, entrepreneurship, human resource management, heavy vehicle drivers, painting, metal blasting and rigging and slinging fields.
To date, a total of 186 youths from both areas have undergone training in both certificate and diploma level. Currently, seven youths are doing their diploma programme and they are expected to complete their studies by 2020 with another 13 youths are targeted for enrolment this year.
During the launch, Sarawak Energy set up a registration counter for the 20 successful applicants who were selected for the Administration Course which commences today (Friday).
The first batch of 80 participants for the Heavy Vehicle Drivers' Programme enrolled back in December 2017, while the second batch of another 80 participants commenced the programme today (Friday).

Jiwari Abdullah (centre) presenting a memento to Tan Sri Datuk Amar Dr James Jemut Masing (5th from right) at the launching of the Baleh Skill Training Programme.

Tan Sri Datuk Amar Dr James Jemut Masing and other attendees of the launch of the Baleh Skill Training Programme posing for a photograph.