Wholesale Trading Warehouse at Jln Ellis Caught Stealing Electricity Again
KUCHING, 10th September 2015 - Syarikat SESCO Berhad (SESCO) meter inspection team found a big wholesale trading warehouse situated at Jalan Ellis tampering with the meter and its wiring system. The big warehouse, which stores tons of dry and wet food products, is a repeated power theft offender. The meter was previously found tampered exactly a year ago and was then put under SESCO close watch and remote monitoring.
In the recent raid, SESCO detected abnormality in the remote monitoring data and immediately gathered the meter inspection team, auxiliary polices, and inspectors from the Electrical Inspectorate Unit of the Ministry of Public Utilities to inspect the big warehouse. In the course of the inspection, the meter wiring system was found to have been tampered with. The meter wiring cables were found cut and covered up with PVC tape to make it look as if the wiring is normal. The tampering of the meter wiring system causes the meter to register only partial of the actual electricity consumed by the fully air-conditioned warehouse, hence low monthly electricity bill.
SESCO spokesperson said, “In the previous case, the customer tampered with the meter by installing remote relay inside the meter to manipulate the meter registration ability. This time, the customer tampered with the meter wiring system instead, thinking that SESCO would not be able to detect the tampering.” He added, “SESCO meter inspection teams are skillful and well trained in detecting meter tampering. They are also equipped with advanced tools and equipment to enhance their inspection work.”
All the exhibits in the raid were seized by SESCO meter inspection team for prosecution purpose. Police report also had been lodged and the business operator shall be called in to assist in the investigation. Arrears shall be issued to the customer to recover the revenue loss due to the tampering done by the customer.
SESCO would like to remind the public that stealing electricity is a dangerous crime and punishable under section 33(5) of the Electricity Ordinance with a fine up to RM100,000 or imprisonment of five years or both. Anyone with information on power theft can call SESCO power theft hotline at 082-44 35 35 or email customercare@sarawakenergy.com.my. All information will be kept strictly confidential.