A Suspected Service Provider's House In Sibu Found Stealing Electricity
SIBU, 16th November 2015 – Syarikat SESCO Berhad (SESCO) together with Inspectors from Electrical Inspectorate Unit (EIU) from the Ministry of Public Utilities and the local police (PDRM) raided a detached house at Jln Sentosa, Sibu suspected to be owned by a service provider who offers meter tampering services to SESCO customers. The meter was inspected and it was found that the meter seals had been tampered with and the meter had no digital display.
SESCO spokesperson said, “The operation was triggered after months of intelligence and information gathering. SESCO is working closely with the Police in carrying out investigations and interviewing customers on meter tampering cases throughout the state. From the investigations, customers had revealed information on this suspected service provider”. He added, “According to the customers whose identities are kept confidential, the service provider had promised them that the tampering activities will not be detected and if SESCO does found the tampering, the service provider promised the customers that they will be responsible and settle the case. However, the service provider did not keep their promise and customers have to bear the consequences from the tampering act.”
Warrant of search was obtained from the Magistrate prior to the operation because in the past, SESCO meter inspection teams had made attempts to inspect the meter at the house but futile as the house owner refused to cooperate. With the assistance from the Police, SESCO meter inspection team was able to serve the court warrant to the customer and proceed swiftly with meter inspection. The tampered meter and its exhibits were seized as evidence.
SESCO spokesperson said, “With the detection of this tampering case directly linked to a suspected service provider, this is considered a major breakthrough for SESCO in the effort to nab these service providers throughout the State. SESCO and EIU shall proceed with legal prosecution and work closely with the Police in the investigation to obtain more information from the house owner.”
SESCO again would like to remind the public not to tamper with their electricity meter and engage any service provider to do the tampering. If caught, customer will be charged under Section 33 (5) of the Electricity Ordinance which carries a penalty of RM100,000.00 and / or five years imprisonment.
Those who have power theft information are to report to the power theft hotline 082-44 35 35 or email customercare@sarawakenergy.com.my. All information will be kept strictly confidential.