Enough is Enough: DAP’s Twisted Tariff Campaign is Manipulating the Facts!
Kuching, 22 April 2014: Sarawak Energy rejects YB Chong’s latest attack upon the company as another irresponsible tactic to divert Sarawak Energy from its crucial role in supporting the State’s development agenda.
According to Chief of Corporate Services Puan Aisah Eden: “YB Chong’s track record on electricity speaks for itself. When Sarawak Energy commenced our campaign against power theft, he criticized the company for communicating the facts. Despite the YB’s best efforts, Sarawak Energy and the responsible majority of the community in Sarawak are now defeating the power thieves, both in the Courts of law and in the Court of public opinion.”
“The 4000 Sarawakians working at Sarawak Energy are not politicians and they are sick of being the target of political attacks. While the Company is reluctant to be drawn into political debates, we are not going to sit back and allow our staff to be maligned, or the public to be misled.“
Puan Aisah went on to say “Our information booklet about the tariff was provided to employees to assist their response to enquiries from their friends and families. It is inconsistent and unfair for DAP to demand that Sarawak Energy stop circulating the booklet when DAP has itself been circulating all sorts of misinformation to the people on the streets, at coffee shops and online.”
The general public can be rest assured that no amount of propaganda from DAP will distract Sarawak Energy from its mission to improve its services for the people of Sarawak.
Likewise, the 4000 loyal Sarawakians in SEB are determined to continue to attract the investment and employment that is the catalyst for the State’s development.
It is a fact that Sarawak’s average tariff is already the cheapest in Malaysia and is among the lowest in the region.
The tariffs in Sarawak have remained stable with no major revision since 1992 despite the general increase in customer price index.
Members of the public who wish to know the facts on our tariff are welcome to visit Sarawak Energy website: www.sarawakenergy.com.my